Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bellato Union BackGround Story

Bellato Union

Bellato mechanics equipment was originally produced for the progress of the research, and the development not for the need of the battle. In the progress of technology, various sorts of Armor Unit were produced in large quantities and were developed to be able to remain in the battle.

In the beginning battle showed that Armor Unit brought the big victory for Federation. This made the issuing of the national defence cost increase, because the number of Armor Unit that was produced for defence troops. In the Novus,battle note of Armour Unit showed several times Armour Unit is defeat with Launcher Accretia, and this weakened the strength of troops. This defeat was caused by Armor Unit is not design for the geographical condition of the Novus planet, after that the right to produce was given to the inhabitants Novus, afterwards Armor Unit in the repeated design to agree in the Novus planet.

Armor Unit efficiency descended drastic because of the operational cost size, then the committee of the federation's peace decided to close troops armor the unit. Armor Unit was divided into two parts; that is the type of Field Unit and Siege Unit. Siege Unit really had difficulty being produced and needed resource in large quantities, bigger than the budget of the Federation. Field Unit was suitable to be produced in large quantities and economical. This caused Field Unit spread widely. The committee to was not convinced how to arrange this unit, so as the committee decided the civil person could arrange and trade in the unit with the low price. However the rule was dismissed because of the strength size that was owned by this Unit, and to confirm that the Unit was not used apart from the interests of the military.

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